Durham Public Schools PL
Welcome to the Durham Public Schools Professional Learning Schedule of Professional Learning! Here you will find a comprehensive list of PL sessions occurring throughout our district.

If you are looking for on-demand PL, click here to view the DPS Asynchronous PL Course Catalog.
Join us for a 1.5-day Restorative Practices training that will focus on the specific needs of administrators within Durham Public Schools.Designed to complement the district-wide rollout of Restorative Practices, this training is designed with you in mind to ensure Principals and Assistant Principals have both expertise and strategies for effective implementation.This dynamic and interactive training will include essential frameworks, opportunities for meaningful connection with other school leaders in DPS, modules for schoolwide assessment and implementation, and opportunities to practice. Our training will be led by Peaceful Schools NC, a national school climate initiative based here in Durham, led by educators, for educators. Through intentional collaboration and programming, Peaceful Schools NC provides strategies for building and sustaining positive relationships within school communities so that all members can thrive.

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