Durham Public Schools PL
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avatar for Natalie Gidney Cole

Natalie Gidney Cole

Durham Public Schools
School Social Worker
Shepard IB Magnet Middle School
I am a licensed clinical social worker with 30 years of professional experience. I have been interested in trauma-informed practices and am excited to be a part of this learning opportunity. My experience in trauma includes child protective services investigations in Washington, DC and Orange County, NC, work with the Duke Child Protection Team (which provided services to physically and sexually abused children) work with the Center for Child and Family Health, NC, and testifying as an expert witness in cases of child maltreatment. I have completed the SPARCS Training, the TILT training and also work with traumatized individuals in my private practice.
Overall, I am particularly interested in prevention thru education, how trauma impacts the human brain and building practices that mitigate impact after an individual has experienced a traumatic experience.

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