Durham Public Schools PL
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Mary Grace

DPS Afterschool
Asst. Manager
E K Powe
Peace, justice, faith, education and play, everything is connected!
I Studied Trauma, Resilience and Belonging, just earning my B.A. from UNC CH spring 2023, with Minors in Conflict Management and Social & Economic Justice.
I run a fundraising arm of UpperNile Orphans Care Organization to raise monies for a war orphan residential school in South Sudan, Africa, where I volunteered as an English teacher Summers 2013 and 2015).
I am sadly widowed, after 44 years with a sweet guy I met in 1978, Sebastian Graber was a young activist lawyer who represented me for free when I was arrested at the Pentagon for a nonviolent anti-war vigil. He represented me for several other cases, and won a Supreme Court case for me, a pristine First Amendment case called US v Grace (1983), which was really fun! I am still an activist and sing with the Triangle Raging Grannies.
I followed our kids here to Durham so I could do grandkid care, then moved my husband here for care at Duke, when he got too sick.
Education is FUN-duh-Mental!

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