Durham Public Schools PL
Welcome to the Durham Public Schools Professional Learning Schedule of Professional Learning! Here you will find a comprehensive list of PL sessions occurring throughout our district.

If you are looking for on-demand PL, click here to view the DPS Asynchronous PL Course Catalog.
Monday February 17, 2025 9:00am - 3:00pm EST
During this one-day introductory experience, you will learn the fundamental theory and practices for engaging with students, staff, and parents. You will learn to apply the restorative practices continuum, understanding which restorative processes are best for achieving certain goals or responding to particular situations. We will focus specifically on facilitating circles, an essential process for creating a positive learning environment and school culture. Participants will spend time planning circles to use in their schools immediately.
Monday February 17, 2025 9:00am - 3:00pm EST
Hillandale Elementary School TBD

Attendees (3)

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