Durham Public Schools PL
Welcome to the Durham Public Schools Professional Learning Schedule of Professional Learning! Here you will find a comprehensive list of PL sessions occurring throughout our district.

If you are looking for on-demand PL, click here to view the DPS Asynchronous PL Course Catalog.
Wednesday March 12, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:Understand Extended School Year (ESY) Eligibility and ProcessDefine ESY services and their role in ensuring FAPE for students with disabilities.Identify criteria for determining ESY eligibility using data-driven decision-making.Differentiate between ESY services and regular IEP services.Effectively Conduct Transition MeetingsOutline key considerations for EOY transition meetings at various levels (Preschool to K, Elementary to Middle, Middle to High School, and Post-Secondary).Identify required documentation and deadlines to ensure seamless student transitions.Collaborate with feeder schools and receiving SLPs to determine appropriate service delivery.Ensure Legally Defensible DocumentationApply best practices for writing Prior Written Notices (PWNs) with clear eligibility decisions and justification.Utilize appropriate templates and data collection methods to support ESY and transition decisions.Avoid common errors in legal documentation that could lead to compliance issues.
Wednesday March 12, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Staff Development Center M-1
  Exceptional Children, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

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