Durham Public Schools PL
Welcome to the Durham Public Schools Professional Learning Schedule of Professional Learning! Here you will find a comprehensive list of PL sessions occurring throughout our district.

If you are looking for on-demand PL, click here to view the DPS Asynchronous PL Course Catalog.
or to bookmark your favorites and sync them to your phone or calendar.
Tuesday, December 3

8:30am EST

SWA New School Social Workers and School Counselors December Meeting
Tuesday December 3, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am EST
Professional development for new school counselors and school social workers will focus on foundational strategies for fostering student success and well-being. Participants will engage in collaborative sessions that explore techniques for supporting students' academic, social, and emotional needs, with an emphasis on holistic care. This training will equip new professionals with the tools and resources needed to build positive school environments, promote equity, and address challenges unique to their roles, empowering them to make a meaningful impact on the students and families they serve.
Tuesday December 3, 2024 8:30am - 10:30am EST
Bacon Street

9:30am EST

District MTSS Facilitators and AP Monthly Meeting - December
Tuesday December 3, 2024 9:30am - 11:30am EST
MTSS Facilitators and APs will have the chance to engage in professional development designed to enhance the implementation of MTSS at their schools. They will also receive updates to ensure consistency and collaboration across the district.
Tuesday December 3, 2024 9:30am - 11:30am EST
Staff Development Center M1
  MTSS, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

1:30pm EST

District MTSS Facilitators and AP Monthly Meeting - December
Tuesday December 3, 2024 1:30pm - 3:30pm EST
MTSS Facilitators and APs will have the chance to engage in professional development designed to enhance the implementation of MTSS at their schools. They will also receive updates to ensure consistency and collaboration across the district.
Tuesday December 3, 2024 1:30pm - 3:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M1
  MTSS, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

3:00pm EST

Toilet Training Students with Significant Delays and Cognitive Disabilities
Tuesday December 3, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm EST
Toilet Training Students with Significant Delays and Cognitive Disabilities: Participants will learn how to implement seven research based practices for teaching toileting to students with significant delays and cognitive disabilities.
Tuesday December 3, 2024 3:00pm - 4:30pm EST
Bacon Street 54

4:30pm EST

Beginner to Board BT Academy- Session 2 (2024-2025)
Tuesday December 3, 2024 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
This academy is for all BTs who are interested in learning more about the National Board process. BTs can come just to learn what is involved and there is no required commitment to start the process. These sessions are appropriate for BTs in any year!
Tuesday December 3, 2024 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST

6:30pm EST

Community ED Before and Afterschool Staff - Social Emotional Learning Art Activities
Tuesday December 3, 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm EST
In this workshop staff will learn how to use art techniques to teach social emotional skills with kids and adults. Activities will focus on building confidence, self-awareness, relationship skills and more.
Tuesday December 3, 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm EST
Staff Development Center M9
Wednesday, December 4

8:30am EST

Principals' Leadership Meeting: December
Wednesday December 4, 2024 8:30am - 3:30pm EST
Principals will learn the latest updates around Curriculum and district areas of focus then attend afternoon PLCs.
Wednesday December 4, 2024 8:30am - 3:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M1

11:00am EST

Nurses PowerSchool Training
Wednesday December 4, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
This training is intended to provided/review/sign contracted nurses data sharing agreements and to provide an overview of PowerSchool.
Wednesday December 4, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Hamlin Road Conference Room 110

11:30am EST

Teaching English Learners in the Kindergarten Classroom - Forest View
Wednesday December 4, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm EST
Teachers will learn practical strategies for engaging ELs in oral language to access content
Wednesday December 4, 2024 11:30am - 12:30pm EST
Forest View Elementary School
  English Learner Services, K-2nd

1:30pm EST

Central Services Learning: December 4; 2024
Wednesday December 4, 2024 1:30pm - 3:30pm EST
All Central Services Directors and above will gather for a learning session around our primary outcomes of Leadership Development, Professional Communication and Organizational Culture.
Wednesday December 4, 2024 1:30pm - 3:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M1

3:00pm EST

EEST Meeting
Wednesday December 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Early Education Support Team (EEST) provides training and support to preschool staff members serving students in the community.
Wednesday December 4, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Bacon Street 165
Thursday, December 5

8:30am EST

Instructional Leadership Academy: December; 2024
Thursday December 5, 2024 8:30am - 3:30pm EST
Instructional Coaches will attend PD to deepen their ability to coach core curriculum,PLCs and individuals.
Thursday December 5, 2024 8:30am - 3:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M1

2:00pm EST

Tracking Student Progress through Xello Lessons
Thursday December 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EST
School Counselors, CDCs, and SPCs will review existing reports and tools in Xello to efficiently track and export student progress on their CDP activities.
Thursday December 5, 2024 2:00pm - 3:00pm EST
Friday, December 6

8:15am EST

SIOP Strategies for Gen Ed. Teachers; (2 of 2) : BY INVITATION ONLY
Friday December 6, 2024 8:15am - 3:30pm EST
This is a 2-day session and attendance is required both days. Teachers will learn comprehensive strategies for planning and delivering effective instruction to English Learners. SIOP (Sheltered Immersion Observation Protocol) strategies are designed to teach academic language in any content area including math, social studies, science, ELA, or electives.
Friday December 6, 2024 8:15am - 3:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M-8

1:00pm EST

Itinerant Teachers Weekly Meeting
Friday December 6, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
The itinerant teachers gather to discuss weekly updates, supports, and collaborate on solving difficult situations.
Friday December 6, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
  Exceptional Children, Pre-K

1:00pm EST

Building an Effective and Efficient MTSS
Friday December 6, 2024 1:00pm - 3:00pm EST
This training is designed to give school teams a jump start in ensuring their MTSS is effective and efficient.Teams will understand best practices in MTSS implementation and sustainability.They will also gain tools to refine their plan for effective MTSS implementation in their buildings.
Friday December 6, 2024 1:00pm - 3:00pm EST
  MTSS, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Tuesday, December 10

8:30am EST

Science of Reading for Secondary Learning- Series
Tuesday December 10, 2024 8:30am - 9:30am EST
TEACHER TAPAS TUESDAY! Explore the science of reading and learning, focusing on evidence-based strategies to enhance comprehension, engagement, and retention for adolescent learners. These short virtual sessions will occur the second Tuesday of each month from September-May. There are several sessions repeated throughout each day, so you can hop on one during your planning period or before/after school: 8:30am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:45pm, 4:30pm
Tuesday December 10, 2024 8:30am - 9:30am EST

8:30am EST

Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA)
Tuesday December 10, 2024 8:30am - 11:30am EST
Participants will understand the interconnectedness of strategic, cultural, instructional, and micropolitical leadership and its impact on continuous school improvement. Participants will also understand strategies for building their instructional leadership through the use a common instructional leadership language and coaching techniques that lead to successful school outcomes.
Tuesday December 10, 2024 8:30am - 11:30am EST
Staff Development Center

9:00am EST

New Counselor Training
Tuesday December 10, 2024 9:00am - 11:30am EST
Learn how to navigate PowerSchool to access student data including GPA, attendance, transcripts, course numbers and scheduling.
Tuesday December 10, 2024 9:00am - 11:30am EST
Old Northern- Rm V2

1:00pm EST

PowerSchool Training for New Social Workers
Tuesday December 10, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Participants will learn how to navigate PowerSchool to obtain student data.
Tuesday December 10, 2024 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Old Northern- Rm V2

1:00pm EST

Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA)
Tuesday December 10, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Participants will understand the interconnectedness of strategic, cultural, instructional, and micropolitical leadership and its impact on continuous school improvement. Participants will also understand strategies for building their instructional leadership through the use a common instructional leadership language and coaching techniques that lead to successful school outcomes.
Tuesday December 10, 2024 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Staff Development Center

2:45pm EST

K-5 Math: Eureka Math^2 Digital Assessment Platform
Tuesday December 10, 2024 2:45pm - 4:15pm EST
In this session, participants will get an introduction to the digital assessment platform for Eureka Math^2.Topics will include finding and administering assessments, and viewing/analyzing assessment data. (ZOOM PASSCODE: 906688)
Tuesday December 10, 2024 2:45pm - 4:15pm EST
  Math, K-2nd, 3rd-5th

3:00pm EST

PreK PLC A December 2024
Tuesday December 10, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Data Notebooks
Tuesday December 10, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Whitted School
  Curriculum and Instruction, Pre-K

6:30pm EST

Community ED Before and Afterschool Staff - What you need to know about a SACERS visit
Tuesday December 10, 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm EST
This workshop will provide constructive feedback so staff and group leaders may make quality improvements to their programs.
Tuesday December 10, 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm EST
Morehead Montessori Magnet School Cafeteria
Wednesday, December 11

6:50am EST

RHMS December 2024 Faculty Meeting
Wednesday December 11, 2024 6:50am - 7:45am EST
Monthly faculty meeting and PD for faculty at RHMS
Wednesday December 11, 2024 6:50am - 7:45am EST
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School Media Center

8:00am EST

DPS School Counselors December Meeting
Wednesday December 11, 2024 8:00am - 4:00pm EST
The professional development will focus on best practices to foster academic excellence and create a safe, healthy school environment. Through a series of presentations and collaborative sessions, counselors will learn strategies to support the whole child, emphasizing both academic achievement and the social-emotional well-being of students. The professional development will equip school counselors with the tools needed to effectively address the diverse needs of students and enhance their overall school experience.
Wednesday December 11, 2024 8:00am - 4:00pm EST
Staff Development Center

9:00am EST

SPARCS - Learning Session 2 - Dec 11 - Dec 12
Wednesday December 11, 2024 9:00am - 5:00pm EST
SPARCS - Learning Session 2 - Dec 11 - Dec 12
Wednesday December 11, 2024 9:00am - 5:00pm EST
Hill Center

11:00am EST

Traumatic Brain Injury Team Meeting
Wednesday December 11, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
The Traumatic Brain Injury Team Meetings is for TBI Approved Providers and participants in TBI Supervision sessions. The meetings provide professional development for team members.
Wednesday December 11, 2024 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
  Exceptional Children, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
  • ONLINE MEETING URL Microsoft Teams Meeting: Meeting ID: 235 029 520 503/Passcode: Z9Lqyb

3:00pm EST

Bacon St. PreK Teachers PLC December 2024
Wednesday December 11, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Data Notebooks
Wednesday December 11, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Whitted School

3:00pm EST

PreK PLC B December 2024
Wednesday December 11, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Data Notebooks
Wednesday December 11, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Whitted School

3:00pm EST

TeacherTrails: Eno River Association
Wednesday December 11, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm EST
Join Eno River Association on an afterschool nature walk as we learn about program offerings for DPS teachers. Activity demonstrations for classroom activities will make up part of this workshop.
Wednesday December 11, 2024 3:00pm - 5:00pm EST
Fews Ford Access of Eno River State Park, 6101 Cole Mill Road.

4:30pm EST

AL Academy: December; Session 3
Wednesday December 11, 2024 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Teachers with an Alternative License (Permit to Teach, Emergency License, Residency License, or CTE) are required to receive additional hours of professional learning and licensure support. These sessions will help teachers navigate the licensure process and meet their requirements successfully.
Wednesday December 11, 2024 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Thursday, December 12

8:30am EST

CTE Support Services Meeting - December
Thursday December 12, 2024 8:30am - 4:00pm EST
Participants will explore strategies/practices to support ongoing teacher, school, and CTE program growth and efficacy.
Thursday December 12, 2024 8:30am - 4:00pm EST
117 Tom Wilkinson R. Durham, NC 27712

10:00am EST

Community ED Before and Afterschool Staff - Important Benefits of Play-Based Learning
Thursday December 12, 2024 10:00am - 12:00pm EST
This workshop focuses on what is the most effective interaction between teachers and students in class or in an afterschool setting.
Thursday December 12, 2024 10:00am - 12:00pm EST
Staff Development Center M9

2:30pm EST

2024-2025 Elementary ECF Monthly PLC-December
Thursday December 12, 2024 2:30pm - 4:00pm EST
During these monthly sessions, EC Facilitators will strengthen their knowledge as it relates to compliance and instruction. Facilitator's will develop the leadership skills needed to coach school teams and provide legal guidance as it relates to Exceptional Children's policies and procedures.
Thursday December 12, 2024 2:30pm - 4:00pm EST
Bacon Street TBA

3:30pm EST

Conducting Functional Behavior Assessments & Developing Behavior Intervention Plans
Thursday December 12, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm EST
Participants will learn the steps to conducting a comprehensive functional behavior assessment, how to analyze data to develop a hypothesis regarding the function of the students’ behavior, how to write an effective behavior intervention plan and how to monitor that plan.
Thursday December 12, 2024 3:30pm - 5:00pm EST
Staff Development Center M8

4:30pm EST

BT Academy: Supporting English Language Learners (Fall; Part 2)
Thursday December 12, 2024 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
English language learners (ELLs) are a growing percentage of our student population. This two-part academy series invites teachers to examine who their ELLs are, and explore research-based strategies to make content accessible to them. Designed for beginning teachers, this series will provide participants from all grade level bands and content areas with practical tools they can use in their classrooms the very next day.
Thursday December 12, 2024 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Friday, December 13

9:00am EST

REQUIRED: ACCESS Training - Elementary Primary TCs; Ignite; Hospital
Friday December 13, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm EST
TC's will receive all relevant training and resources for successfully planning for and administering the ACCESS assessments.
Friday December 13, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm EST
Old Northern - Room V-1

3:00pm EST

REQUIRED for Select: Alternate ACCESS Training - Select Elementary Primary TCs
Friday December 13, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
TC's will receive all relevant training and resources for successfully planning for and administering the Alternate ACCESS assessments.
Friday December 13, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Old Northern - Room V-1
Monday, December 16

8:30am EST

Unit 2 LETRS Training for YR Teachers | Full Day (8:30 AM to 3:30) | Online Meeting | Links in Description
Monday December 16, 2024 8:30am - 3:30pm EST
Facilitators: Kathleen Janes

Find details at the links below.

Monday December 16, 2024 8:30am - 3:30pm EST

9:00am EST

Data Clean Up - Work Lab
Monday December 16, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
This session is intended to assist data managers with data clean up in PowerSchool in preparation of the Infinite Campus conversion.
Monday December 16, 2024 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
Hamlin Road 110 (Conference Room)
  PowerSchool, Manager
  • format csv
Tuesday, December 17

8:30am EST

2024-2025 Monthly EC Facilitator-December
Tuesday December 17, 2024 8:30am - 4:00pm EST
During this session, participants will receive updates on compliance related and instructional topics pertaining to students with disabilities. They will engage in activities to build capacity and support the respective schools that they serve.
Tuesday December 17, 2024 8:30am - 4:00pm EST
Staff Development Center M-1

2:00pm EST

Lead High School Counselors December Meeting
Tuesday December 17, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Professional development for Lead High School counselors will emphasize best practices for fostering academic excellence and ensuring a safe, healthy school environment. Participants will engage in targeted sessions and discussions aimed at supporting the whole child, focusing on strategies to enhance student achievement, promote well-being, and address the unique needs of high school students. This training will empower Lead High School Counselors with the leadership skills and resources needed to guide their teams effectively and make a positive impact on the overall student experience.
Tuesday December 17, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
  Student Wellness and Advocacy, 9th-12th
  • ONLINE MEETING URL https://t.ly/IgFqf
  • SESSION MATERIALS https://t.ly/CtpoF
  • type meetup-join
  • deeplinkId 321ab8da-2212-49f7-ae65-9af145c0f555
  • directDl true
  • msLaunch true
  • enableMobilePage true
  • suppressPrompt true
Wednesday, December 18

3:00pm EST

Everyday STEM by Design: Try & Refine
Wednesday December 18, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Session #3 for Teachers
Wednesday December 18, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST

3:00pm EST

EEST Meeting
Wednesday December 18, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Early Education Support Team (EEST) provides training and support to preschool staff members serving students in the community.
Wednesday December 18, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Bacon Street 165
Thursday, December 19

9:00am EST

REQUIRED: ACCESS Training - Middle & High School Primary TCs; DSA; Lakeview
Thursday December 19, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm EST
TC's will receive all relevant training and resources for successfully planning for and administering the ACCESS assessments.
Thursday December 19, 2024 9:00am - 3:00pm EST
Old Northern - Room V-1

3:00pm EST

REQUIRED for Select: Alternate ACCESS Training - Select Middle & High School Primary TCs
Thursday December 19, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
TC's will receive all relevant training and resources for successfully planning for and administering the Alternate ACCESS assessments.
Thursday December 19, 2024 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Old Northern - Room V-1
Monday, January 6

8:15am EST

High School ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 1/6/25
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others.

9:00am EST

ACCESS Training - Elementary BTC (incl. Ignite/Hospital) + Make-ups for Primary
Monday January 6, 2025 9:00am - 3:00pm EST
TC's will receive all relevant training and resources for successfully planning for and administering the ACCESS assessments.
Monday January 6, 2025 9:00am - 3:00pm EST
Staff Development Center M1

2:45pm EST

Elementary ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 1/6/25
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others. This session is marked as in-person, but it will be virtual, and an invitation will be sent via email.

3:00pm EST

Alt. ACCESS Training - Select Elementary BTC + Make-ups for Primary
Monday January 6, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
TC's will receive all relevant training and resources for successfully planning for and administering the Alternate ACCESS assessments.
Monday January 6, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Staff Development Center M1

3:45pm EST

Middle School ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 1/6/25
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others. This session is marked as in-person, but it will be virtual, and an invitation will be sent via email.
  English Learner Services, 6th-8th
Tuesday, January 7

9:00am EST

Data Clean Up - Work Lab
Tuesday January 7, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
This session is intended to assist data managers with data clean up in PowerSchool in preparation of the Infinite Campus conversion.
Tuesday January 7, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
Hamlin Road 110 (Conference Room)
  PowerSchool, Manager
  • format csv

9:00am EST

ACCESS Training - Middle & High School (incl. DSA/Lakeview) BTC + Make-ups for Primary + SCS
Tuesday January 7, 2025 9:00am - 3:00pm EST
TC's will receive all relevant training and resources for successfully planning for and administering the ACCESS assessments.
Tuesday January 7, 2025 9:00am - 3:00pm EST
Old Northern - Room V-1

9:30am EST

District MTSS Facilitators and AP Monthly Meeting - January
Tuesday January 7, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am EST
MTSS Facilitators and APs will have the chance to engage in professional development designed to enhance the implementation of MTSS at their schools. They will also receive updates to ensure consistency and collaboration across the district.
Tuesday January 7, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am EST
Staff Development Center M1
  MTSS, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

1:30pm EST

District MTSS Facilitators and AP Monthly Meeting - January
Tuesday January 7, 2025 1:30pm - 3:30pm EST
MTSS Facilitators and APs will have the chance to engage in professional development designed to enhance the implementation of MTSS at their schools. They will also receive updates to ensure consistency and collaboration across the district.
Tuesday January 7, 2025 1:30pm - 3:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M1
  MTSS, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

3:00pm EST

Alt. ACCESS Training - Select Middle & High School BTC + Make-ups for Primary
Tuesday January 7, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
TC's will receive all relevant training and resources for successfully planning for and administering the Alternate ACCESS assessments.
Tuesday January 7, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Old Northern - Room V-1

3:30pm EST

Extended School Year Eligibility (ESY) Determination Process & Procedures
Tuesday January 7, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm EST
Participants will learn the eligibility criteria for students to qualify for ESY services, how to analyze data to determine eligibility and how to complete the DPS ESY eligibility packet.
Tuesday January 7, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm EST
Bacon Street 54
Wednesday, January 8

7:00am EST

RHMS January 2025 Differentiation Committee
Wednesday January 8, 2025 7:00am - 8:00am EST
Rogers Herr Middle Differentiation Committee Meetings for 2024-2025 to plan differentiated professional development to meet the needs of teachers and students across all subgroups
Wednesday January 8, 2025 7:00am - 8:00am EST
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School

3:00pm EST

EEST Meeting
Wednesday January 8, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Early Education Support Team (EEST) provides training and support to preschool staff members serving students in the community.
Wednesday January 8, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Bacon Street 165
Thursday, January 9

8:30am EST

CTE Support Services Meeting - January
Thursday January 9, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EST
Participants will explore strategies/practices to support ongoing teacher, school, and CTE program growth and efficacy.
Thursday January 9, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EST
117 Tom Wilkinson R. Durham, NC 27712

2:30pm EST

Elementary ECF Monthly PLC-January
Thursday January 9, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EST
During these monthly sessions, EC Facilitators will strengthen their knowledge as it relates to compliance and instruction. Facilitator's will develop the leadership skills needed to coach school teams and provide legal guidance as it relates to Exceptional Children's policies and procedures.
Thursday January 9, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EST
E.K. Powe Elementary School TBA
Friday, January 10

8:00am EST

Elementary ESL Teacher PLC- 1/10/25
Friday January 10, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am EST
Elementary ESL teachers will receive procedural updates and work as a PLC to engage in relevant professional learning and build instructional and resource supports.
Friday January 10, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am EST
Staff Development Center M8 and M9

1:30pm EST

Building an Effective and Efficient MTSS
Friday January 10, 2025 1:30pm - 3:30pm EST
This training is designed to give school teams a jump start in ensuring their MTSS is effective and efficient.Teams will understand best practices in MTSS implementation and sustainability.They will also gain tools to refine their plan for effective MTSS implementation in their buildings.
Friday January 10, 2025 1:30pm - 3:30pm EST
  MTSS, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Monday, January 13

6:30pm EST

Community ED Before and Afterschool Staff - Making Gym Games Fun Again
Monday January 13, 2025 6:30pm - 8:00pm EST
This workshop will educate group leaders on gym games with children and how to properly engage with them.
Monday January 13, 2025 6:30pm - 8:00pm EST
Staff Development Center M1
Tuesday, January 14

8:30am EST

Science of Reading for Secondary Learning- Series
Tuesday January 14, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am EST
TEACHER TAPAS TUESDAY! Explore the science of reading and learning, focusing on evidence-based strategies to enhance comprehension, engagement, and retention for adolescent learners. These short virtual sessions will occur the second Tuesday of each month from September-May. There are several sessions repeated throughout each day, so you can hop on one during your planning period or before/after school: 8:30am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:45pm, 4:30pm
Tuesday January 14, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am EST

8:30am EST

Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA)
Tuesday January 14, 2025 8:30am - 11:30am EST
Participants will understand the interconnectedness of strategic, cultural, instructional, and micropolitical leadership and its impact on continuous school improvement. Participants will also understand strategies for building their instructional leadership through the use a common instructional leadership language and coaching techniques that lead to successful school outcomes.
Tuesday January 14, 2025 8:30am - 11:30am EST
Staff Development Center

9:00am EST

Back-up Data Manager training
Tuesday January 14, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EST
This session is intended to train back-up data managers on the basics task in the event of a vacant position and/or absent Data Manager.
Tuesday January 14, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EST
Hamlin Road Rm 110

9:00am EST

New Counselor Training
Tuesday January 14, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EST
Learn how to navigate PowerSchool to access student data including GPA, attendance, transcripts, course numbers and scheduling.
Tuesday January 14, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EST
Old Northern- Rm V2

1:00pm EST

PowerSchool Training for New Social Workers
Tuesday January 14, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Participants will learn how to navigate PowerSchool to obtain student data.
Tuesday January 14, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Old Northern- Rm V2

1:00pm EST

Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA)
Tuesday January 14, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Participants will understand the interconnectedness of strategic, cultural, instructional, and micropolitical leadership and its impact on continuous school improvement. Participants will also understand strategies for building their instructional leadership through the use a common instructional leadership language and coaching techniques that lead to successful school outcomes.
Tuesday January 14, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Staff Development Center

3:30pm EST

Unique Learning System:Lesson Planning
Tuesday January 14, 2025 3:30pm - 4:45pm EST
Participants will learn how to plan lessons using the Unique Learning System (ULS) curriculum for students on the Extended Content Standards.Participants will also learn how to implement these lessons in a remote situation.
Tuesday January 14, 2025 3:30pm - 4:45pm EST
Bacon Street 54

4:30pm EST

BT Academy: Culturally Responsive Teaching- Building Relationships Part 1 (Spring 2025)
Tuesday January 14, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Part 1 will focus on the components of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy with an emphasis on the importance of building positive relationships with students. Learn context, supports and strategies concerning the Culturally Responsive Classroom
Tuesday January 14, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
  Beginning Teachers, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Wednesday, January 15

8:30am EST

District Behavior Support PLC: Trauma Informed Leadership Training
Wednesday January 15, 2025 8:30am - 11:30am EST
This PLC will serve a work session for the District BSAs as we plan and discuss our mission and scope of work as it relates to DPS Strategic Plan Goal 2B.
Wednesday January 15, 2025 8:30am - 11:30am EST
Bacon Street 162

8:30am EST

DPS School Counselors January Meeting
Wednesday January 15, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EST
The professional development will focus on best practices to foster academic excellence and create a safe, healthy school environment. Through a series of presentations and collaborative sessions, counselors will learn strategies to support the whole child, emphasizing both academic achievement and the social-emotional well-being of students. The professional development will equip school counselors with the tools needed to effectively address the diverse needs of students and enhance their overall school experience.
Wednesday January 15, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EST
Staff Development Center

11:00am EST

Traumatic Brain Injury Team Meeting
Wednesday January 15, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
The Traumatic Brain Injury Team Meetings is for TBI Approved Providers and participants in TBI Supervision sessions. The meetings provide professional development for team members.
Wednesday January 15, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
  Exceptional Children, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
  • ONLINE MEETING URL Microsoft Teams-Meeting ID: 228 637 060 779/Passcode: TrHQQB
  • ATTENDANCE AND EVAL FORM https://t.ly/nmiV5

2:45pm EST

K-5 Math: Eureka Math^2 Digital Assessment Platform
Wednesday January 15, 2025 2:45pm - 4:15pm EST
In this session, participants will get an introduction to the digital assessment platform for Eureka Math^2.Topics will include finding and administering assessments, and viewing/analyzing assessment data.
Wednesday January 15, 2025 2:45pm - 4:15pm EST
  Math, K-2nd, 3rd-5th
  • format csv
Thursday, January 16

8:30am EST

District SEL Coaches' Meeting
Thursday January 16, 2025 8:30am - 10:30am EST
SEL Coaches' Meeting
Thursday January 16, 2025 8:30am - 10:30am EST
Old Northern High School room V1

10:00am EST

Community ED Before and Afterschool Staff - Navigating My Way Through!
Thursday January 16, 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm EST
This workshop is designed to help those that are experiencing a clash with their group of children and struggling to keep them on task to follow the assigned schedule.
Thursday January 16, 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm EST
Staff Development Center M9

4:30pm EST

Spring Part 1 BT Academy: Classroom Management 2025
Thursday January 16, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
For BTs - BT Academy Classroom Management Series, please join us for a deeper dive into problems of practice and successes in your classroom in this roundtable-style conversation.
Thursday January 16, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
  Beginning Teachers, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Friday, January 17

8:30am EST

Designing High Quality Professional Learning for Adults - Central Services and Instructional Coaches
Friday January 17, 2025 8:30am - 12:00pm EST
During this half-day session we will explore the basics of adult learning and designing instruction for engagement and transference.
Friday January 17, 2025 8:30am - 12:00pm EST
Staff Development Center TBD

2:00pm EST

Restorative Practices District Leadership Team
Friday January 17, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Expand and sustain implementation of Restorative Practices across DPS.
Friday January 17, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Bacon Street 54
Tuesday, January 21

8:00am EST

High School AP Series Session 5: Student-Centered Instruction
Tuesday January 21, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am EST
In this series of 7 sessions throughout the 2024-2025 school year, we aim to collaborate with APs as we work toward our department goal of "Building leadership capacity to support, coach, and provide feedback for differentiated, standards-aligned core instruction using Durham Public Schools curriculum resources."
Tuesday January 21, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am EST
OLD Northern (117 Tom Wilkinson Rd, Durham, NC 27712), Room V-1

8:30am EST

Hill Center MS Science of Reading part 2
Tuesday January 21, 2025 8:30am - 3:30pm EST
Learn the basics of Science of Reading to integrate research-based literacy strategies
Tuesday January 21, 2025 8:30am - 3:30pm EST
Hill Center

8:30am EST

Restorative Practices for Educators
Tuesday January 21, 2025 8:30am - 4:30pm EST
During this two-day introductory experience, you will learn the fundamental theory and practices for engaging with students, staff, and parents. You will learn to apply the restorative practices continuum, understanding which restorative processes are best for achieving certain goals or responding to particular situations. We will focus specifically on facilitating circles, an essential process for creating a positive learning environment and school culture. Participants will spend time planning circles to use in their schools immediately.
Tuesday January 21, 2025 8:30am - 4:30pm EST
Old Northern-Rm V6

10:00am EST

Universal Design Strategies
Tuesday January 21, 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm EST
Strategies for implementing universal design to meet all students needs in the classroom.
Tuesday January 21, 2025 10:00am - 12:00pm EST
Bacon Street 54
Wednesday, January 22

6:50am EST

RHMS January 2025 Faculty Meeting
Wednesday January 22, 2025 6:50am - 7:45am EST
Monthly faculty meeting and PD for faculty at RHMS
Wednesday January 22, 2025 6:50am - 7:45am EST
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School Media Center

11:00am EST

Nurses PowerSchool Training
Wednesday January 22, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
This training is intended to provided/review/sign contracted nurses data sharing agreements and to provide an overview of PowerSchool.
Wednesday January 22, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Hamlin Road Conference Room 110

3:00pm EST

Bacon Street Staff PLC-1/22/2025
Wednesday January 22, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm EST
How to review and use data to improve educational outcomes for preschoolers.
Wednesday January 22, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm EST
Bacon Street Purple Room
Thursday, January 23

12:00pm EST

LETRS for Coaches: Unit 7
Thursday January 23, 2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm EST
DPS Coaches will engage in collaboratively unpacking Unit 7 of LETRS in order to build their capacity to facilitate purposeful professional learning for their PLCs centered around the content of Unit 7.
Thursday January 23, 2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Staff Development Center

3:00pm EST

Unique Learning System: Data Collection & Analysis
Thursday January 23, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EST
Participants will learn how to take data using the Unique Learning System (ULS) curriculum for students on the Extended Content Standards.
Thursday January 23, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M8
Friday, January 24

8:00am EST

Restorative Practices Coordinators PLC
Friday January 24, 2025 8:00am - 9:30am EST
Gather school-based RPC's in order to learn from each other and extend best practices in using Restorative Practices.
Friday January 24, 2025 8:00am - 9:30am EST
Bacon Street 54
Monday, January 27

9:00am EST

Spring WorkKeys - SELECT High School TC's
Monday January 27, 2025 9:00am - 1:00pm EST
This training will enable TC's to learn the processes and procedures for administering the ACT WorkKeys assessment.
Monday January 27, 2025 9:00am - 1:00pm EST
Hamlin Road 110

1:00pm EST

Spring Credit-by-Demonstrated Mastery (CDM) - End-of-Course (EOC) = SELECT SCHOOLS ONLY
Monday January 27, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EST
If TCs have students from their schools who register for CDM, they will need to attend this training to prepare for administering the EOC. TCs will be notified in advance if they have students to sign up.
Monday January 27, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EST
Hamlin Road 110
Tuesday, January 28

9:00am EST

MTSS District Leadership Team
Tuesday January 28, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EST
Planning and support for DPS MTSS Implementation.
Tuesday January 28, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EST
Staff Development Center M9
  MTSS, Leadership

2:00pm EST

Lead High School Counselors January Meeting
Tuesday January 28, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Professional development for Lead High School counselors will emphasize best practices for fostering academic excellence and ensuring a safe, healthy school environment. Participants will engage in targeted sessions and discussions aimed at supporting the whole child, focusing on strategies to enhance student achievement, promote well-being, and address the unique needs of high school students. This training will empower Lead High School Counselors with the leadership skills and resources needed to guide their teams effectively and make a positive impact on the overall student experience.
Tuesday January 28, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
  Student Wellness and Advocacy, 9th-12th
  • ONLINE MEETING URL https://t.ly/eN45t
  • SESSION MATERIALS https://t.ly/9Ig4X
  • type meetup-join
  • deeplinkId 321ab8da-2212-49f7-ae65-9af145c0f555
  • directDl true
  • msLaunch true
  • enableMobilePage true
  • suppressPrompt true

4:30pm EST

AL Academy: January; Session 4
Tuesday January 28, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Teachers with an Alternative License (Permit to Teach, Emergency License, Residency License, or CTE) are required to receive additional hours of professional learning and licensure support. These sessions will help teachers navigate the licensure process and meet their requirements successfully.
Tuesday January 28, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Wednesday, January 29

9:00am EST

RHMS 2025 Q3 Learning Walks
Wednesday January 29, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am EST
grade level learning walks
Wednesday January 29, 2025 9:00am - 10:00am EST
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School various by period

3:00pm EST

EEST Meeting
Wednesday January 29, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Early Education Support Team (EEST) provides training and support to preschool staff members serving students in the community.
Wednesday January 29, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Bacon Street 165
Monday, February 3

9:30am EST

District MTSS Facilitators and AP Monthly Meeting - February
Monday February 3, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am EST
MTSS Facilitators and APs will have the chance to engage in professional development designed to enhance the implementation of MTSS at their schools. They will also receive updates to ensure consistency and collaboration across the district.
Monday February 3, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am EST
Staff Development Center M1
  MTSS, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

1:30pm EST

District MTSS Facilitators and AP Monthly Meeting - February
Monday February 3, 2025 1:30pm - 3:30pm EST
MTSS Facilitators and APs will have the chance to engage in professional development designed to enhance the implementation of MTSS at their schools. They will also receive updates to ensure consistency and collaboration across the district.
Monday February 3, 2025 1:30pm - 3:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M1
  MTSS, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

2:45pm EST

Elementary ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 2/3/25
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others. This session is marked as in-person, but it will be virtual, and an invitation will be sent via email.
Tuesday, February 4

9:00am EST

DPS School Counselors February Meeting
Tuesday February 4, 2025 9:00am - 2:00pm EST
The professional development will focus on best practices to foster academic excellence and create a safe, healthy school environment. Through a series of presentations and collaborative sessions, counselors will learn strategies to support the whole child, emphasizing both academic achievement and the social-emotional well-being of students. The professional development will equip school counselors with the tools needed to effectively address the diverse needs of students and enhance their overall school experience.
Tuesday February 4, 2025 9:00am - 2:00pm EST
Staff Development Center

4:30pm EST

Beginner to Board BT Academy- Session 3 (2024-2025)
Tuesday February 4, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
This academy is for all BTs who are interested in learning more about the National Board process. BTs can come just to learn what is involved and there is no required commitment to start the process. These sessions are appropriate for BTs in any year!
Tuesday February 4, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Wednesday, February 5

3:00pm EST

EEST Meeting
Wednesday February 5, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Early Education Support Team (EEST) provides training and support to preschool staff members serving students in the community.
Wednesday February 5, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Bacon Street 165

4:30pm EST

BT Literature Study - Book Club (February Session)
Wednesday February 5, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Books can have a profound impact on our lives, whether it's through fiction or educational texts. Book clubs and studies are valuable tools for professional development, allowing us to deepen our understanding and learn from each other's insights. Every semester, we offer a chance for you to participate in a fantastic book study with us.
Wednesday February 5, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Friday, February 7

8:30am EST

Presenting High Quality Professional Learning for Adults - Central Services and Instructional Coaches
Friday February 7, 2025 8:30am - 12:00pm EST
During this half-day session we will explore presenting and facilitation strategies that honor adult learning and promote voice and engagement.
Friday February 7, 2025 8:30am - 12:00pm EST
Staff Development Center TBD
Monday, February 10

4:30pm EST

BT Academy: Trauma Informed Session Part 1 (Spring)
Monday February 10, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Learn context, supports and strategies concerning Trauma Informed Practice.
Monday February 10, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Tuesday, February 11

8:30am EST

Science of Reading for Secondary Learning- Series
Tuesday February 11, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am EST
TEACHER TAPAS TUESDAY! Explore the science of reading and learning, focusing on evidence-based strategies to enhance comprehension, engagement, and retention for adolescent learners. These short virtual sessions will occur the second Tuesday of each month from September-May. There are several sessions repeated throughout each day, so you can hop on one during your planning period or before/after school: 8:30am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:45pm, 4:30pm
Tuesday February 11, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am EST

8:30am EST

Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA)
Tuesday February 11, 2025 8:30am - 11:30am EST
Participants will understand the interconnectedness of strategic, cultural, instructional, and micropolitical leadership and its impact on continuous school improvement. Participants will also understand strategies for building their instructional leadership through the use a common instructional leadership language and coaching techniques that lead to successful school outcomes.
Tuesday February 11, 2025 8:30am - 11:30am EST
Staff Development Center

9:00am EST

Back-up Data Manager training
Tuesday February 11, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EST
This session is intended to train back-up data managers on the basics task in the event of a vacant position and/or absent Data Manager.
Tuesday February 11, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EST
Hamlin Road Rm 110

9:00am EST

New Counselor Training
Tuesday February 11, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EST
Learn how to navigate PowerSchool to access student data including GPA, attendance, transcripts, course numbers and scheduling.
Tuesday February 11, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EST
Old Northern- Rm V2

1:00pm EST

PowerSchool Training for New Social Workers
Tuesday February 11, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Participants will learn how to navigate PowerSchool to obtain student data.
Tuesday February 11, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Old Northern- Rm V2

1:00pm EST

Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA)
Tuesday February 11, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Participants will understand the interconnectedness of strategic, cultural, instructional, and micropolitical leadership and its impact on continuous school improvement. Participants will also understand strategies for building their instructional leadership through the use a common instructional leadership language and coaching techniques that lead to successful school outcomes.
Tuesday February 11, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Staff Development Center

3:00pm EST

The Science of Behavior
Tuesday February 11, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EST
Participants will learn how to prevent problem behavior and teach new behaviors using positive reinforcement.Participants will also learn how to decrease problem behaviors with research-based interventions.
Tuesday February 11, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EST
Bacon Street 54

4:30pm EST

BT Academy: Culturally Responsive Teaching- Teaching Strategies Part 2 (Spring 2025)
Tuesday February 11, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Part 2 will focus on Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) to address cultural differences among students and ways to promote an inclusive learning environment to meet the needs of all learners. We will also suggest ways to implement and support CRT in the classroom. Learn context, supports and strategies concerning the Culturally Responsive Classroom.
Tuesday February 11, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
  Beginning Teachers, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Wednesday, February 12

7:00am EST

RHMS February 2025 Differentiation Committee
Wednesday February 12, 2025 7:00am - 8:00am EST
Rogers Herr Middle Differentiation Committee Meetings for 2024-2025 to plan differentiated professional development to meet the needs of teachers and students across all subgroups
Wednesday February 12, 2025 7:00am - 8:00am EST
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School

9:00am EST

ACT Training - All High School TC's
Wednesday February 12, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
Test coordinators will receive resources and training to be able to successfully plan for and complete the ACT online administration.
Wednesday February 12, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
Staff Development Center M8

11:00am EST

Traumatic Brain Injury Team Meeting
Wednesday February 12, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
The Traumatic Brain Injury Team Meetings is for TBI Approved Providers and participants in TBI Supervision sessions. The meetings provide professional development for team members.
Wednesday February 12, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
  Exceptional Children, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
  • ONLINE MEETING URL Microsoft Teams:Meeting ID: 265 948 734 444/Passcode: GxYmPu
  • ATTENDANCE AND EVAL FORM https://t.ly/1t0mW

1:00pm EST

Spring CCRAA-11 Training - SELECT High School TC's
Wednesday February 12, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Test coordinators will receive resources and training to be able to successfully plan for and complete the CCRAA-11 (ACT Alternate Assessment) administration.
Wednesday February 12, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST
Staff Development Center M8

2:00pm EST

Spring Extend 1-Grade 11 Training - SELECT High School TC's
Wednesday February 12, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Test coordinators will receive resources and training to be able to successfully plan for and complete the Extend 1-Grade 11 paper/pencil administration.
Wednesday February 12, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M8

3:30pm EST

Benchmark Refresher Training - MOY/EOY- Semester 2 - Block - TRADITIONAL CALENDAR High Schools
Wednesday February 12, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm EST
Assist Benchmark Test Coordinators with processes for administering Middle-of-Year and/or End-of-Year assessments for semester 2.
Wednesday February 12, 2025 3:30pm - 4:30pm EST
Hamlin Road 110
Thursday, February 13

8:30am EST

CTE Support Services Meeting - February
Thursday February 13, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EST
Participants will explore strategies/practices to support ongoing teacher, school, and CTE program growth and efficacy.
Thursday February 13, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EST
117 Tom Wilkinson R. Durham, NC 27712

8:30am EST

Restorative Practices for Educators
Thursday February 13, 2025 8:30am - 4:30pm EST
During this two-day introductory experience, you will learn the fundamental theory and practices for engaging with students, staff, and parents. You will learn to apply the restorative practices continuum, understanding which restorative processes are best for achieving certain goals or responding to particular situations. We will focus specifically on facilitating circles, an essential process for creating a positive learning environment and school culture. Participants will spend time planning circles to use in their schools immediately.
Thursday February 13, 2025 8:30am - 4:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M9

9:00am EST

RHMS Q4 Planning Day for ELA 6/7/8
Thursday February 13, 2025 9:00am - 3:15pm EST
Planning Day for teachers, co-teachers, PLC leads, and grade level administrators for EOG/ EOC tested courses at Rogers Herr Middle School
Thursday February 13, 2025 9:00am - 3:15pm EST
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School conference room

2:30pm EST

Elementary ECF Monthly PLC-February
Thursday February 13, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EST
During these monthly sessions, EC Facilitators will strengthen their knowledge as it relates to compliance and instruction. Facilitator's will develop the leadership skills needed to coach school teams and provide legal guidance as it relates to Exceptional Children's policies and procedures.
Thursday February 13, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EST
Bacon Street TBA

4:30pm EST

2024-2025 Spring BT Academy: Classroom Management 2.0
Thursday February 13, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
For beginning teachers who have completed the Introduction to Classroom Management series, we invite you to Classroom Management 2.0. We will delve more deeply into problems of practice and successes in your classroom in this roundtable-style discussion session.
Thursday February 13, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Staff Development Center

4:40pm EST

BT Academy: Classroom Management 2.0
Thursday February 13, 2025 4:40pm - 5:27pm EST
For beginning teachers who have completed the Introduction to Classroom Management series, we invite you to Classroom Management 2.0. We will delve more deeply into problems of practice and successes in your classroom in this roundtable-style discussion session.
Thursday February 13, 2025 4:40pm - 5:27pm EST
Friday, February 14

9:00am EST

Tier 1 (Core) Behavior Practices
Friday February 14, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
This session is designed for school teams to learn proactive systems to encourage positive student behavior. Please send a team of at least 3 people from your school.This team should include an administrator and may also include MTSS-F, RPC, Counselor and other staff. Learners will:Make connections between universal behavior practices and your school’s MTSS frameworkUnderstand best practices with regard to universal behavior management practicesExamine your school’s current universal behavior management practices and plan for any improvement
Friday February 14, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EST
Bacon Street 54

12:45pm EST

K-5 Math: Eureka Math^2 Digital Assessment Platform
Friday February 14, 2025 12:45pm - 2:15pm EST
In this session, participants will get an introduction to the digital assessment platform for Eureka Math^2.Topics will include finding and administering assessments, and viewing/analyzing assessment data.
Friday February 14, 2025 12:45pm - 2:15pm EST
  Math, K-2nd, 3rd-5th
  • format csv

1:00pm EST

Tier 1 (Core) Behavior Practices
Friday February 14, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
This session is designed for school teams to learn proactive systems to encourage positive student behavior. Please send a team of at least 3 people from your school.This team should include an administrator and may also include MTSS-F, RPC, Counselor and other staff. Learners will:Make connections between universal behavior practices and your school’s MTSS frameworkUnderstand best practices with regard to universal behavior management practicesExamine your school’s current universal behavior management practices and plan for any improvement
Friday February 14, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Bacon Street 54
  MTSS, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

1:00pm EST

AL Academy: February; Session 5
Friday February 14, 2025 1:00pm - 5:00pm EST
Teachers with an Alternative License (Permit to Teach, Emergency License, Residency License, or CTE) are required to receive additional hours of professional learning and licensure support. These sessions will help teachers navigate the licensure process and meet their requirements successfully.
Friday February 14, 2025 1:00pm - 5:00pm EST
Staff Development Center M-1

1:30pm EST

Carrington Middle Restorative Practices Training Part 1
Friday February 14, 2025 1:30pm - 3:00pm EST
Overview of Restorative Practices for Carrington Middle Staff
Friday February 14, 2025 1:30pm - 3:00pm EST
Carrington Middle School

2:30pm EST

Secondary ESL Teacher PLCs - 2/14/2025
Friday February 14, 2025 2:30pm - 4:30pm EST
Secondary ESL teachers will receive procedural updates and work as a PLC to engage in relevant professional learning and build instructional and resource supports.
Friday February 14, 2025 2:30pm - 4:30pm EST

2:45pm EST

Trauma Informed Schools 101
Friday February 14, 2025 2:45pm - 4:15pm EST
Trauma Informed Schools 101
Friday February 14, 2025 2:45pm - 4:15pm EST
Tuesday, February 18

8:00am EST

High School AP Series Session 6: Rigor
Tuesday February 18, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am EST
In this series of 7 sessions throughout the 2024-2025 school year, we aim to collaborate with APs as we work toward our department goal of "Building leadership capacity to support, coach, and provide feedback for differentiated, standards-aligned core instruction using Durham Public Schools curriculum resources."
Tuesday February 18, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am EST
OLD Northern (117 Tom Wilkinson Rd, Durham, NC 27712), Room V-1

8:30am EST

SEL Coaches' Training per Curriculum Platform
Tuesday February 18, 2025 8:30am - 2:00pm EST
RethinkEd 8:30am, Second Step 9:30am, Character Strong 10:30am, Move This World 1:00pm, Zones of Regulation 2:00pm
Tuesday February 18, 2025 8:30am - 2:00pm EST
  Social Emotional, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

9:00am EST

RHMS Q4 Planning Day Math 6/7/8/1
Tuesday February 18, 2025 9:00am - 3:15pm EST
Quarterly Planning Day for teachers, co-teachers, PLC leads, and grade level administrators for Math 6/7/8/1 at Rogers Herr Middle School
Tuesday February 18, 2025 9:00am - 3:15pm EST
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School conference room
Wednesday, February 19

8:30am EST

District Behavior Support PLC: Trauma Informed Leadership Training
Wednesday February 19, 2025 8:30am - 11:30am EST
This PLC will serve a work session for the District BSAs as we plan and discuss our mission and scope of work as it relates to DPS Strategic Plan Goal 2B.
Wednesday February 19, 2025 8:30am - 11:30am EST
Bacon Street 162

11:00am EST

Nurses PowerSchool Training
Wednesday February 19, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
This training is intended to provided/review/sign contracted nurses data sharing agreements and to provide an overview of PowerSchool.
Wednesday February 19, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Hamlin Road Conference Room 110
Thursday, February 20

3:00pm EST

Using Discrete Trial to Teach Academic Skills
Thursday February 20, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EST
Using Discrete Trial Training to Teach Academic Skills: Participants will learn how to implement research based method of teaching a new skill in simplified and structured steps through a series of distinct repeated lessons. Lesson materials and data trackers will be provided for participants.
Thursday February 20, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M8

4:30pm EST

BT Academy: Supporting English Language Learners (Spring; Part 1)
Thursday February 20, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
English language learners (ELLs) are a growing percentage of our student population. This two-part academy series invites teachers to examine who their ELLs are, and explore research-based strategies to make content accessible to them. Designed for beginning teachers, this series will provide participants from all grade level bands and content areas with practical tools they can use in their classrooms the very next day.
Thursday February 20, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Friday, February 21

8:00am EST

Restorative Practices Coordinator PLC
Friday February 21, 2025 8:00am - 9:30am EST
Gather school-based RPC's in order to learn from each other and extend best practices in using Restorative Practices.
Friday February 21, 2025 8:00am - 9:30am EST
Bacon Street 54

8:30am EST

PrEPP 2025:Uncovering Foundations; Elevating Needs; & Building Agency: IN-SERVICE DAY 1- This restricted session is for accepted ALTs and CTs only (notified by Dec. 15; 2024).
Friday February 21, 2025 8:30am - 3:30pm EST
The DPS Beginning Teacher Mentor team is committed to equitably supporting and retaining all new educators.In response to our AL population’s needs, PrEPP: IN-SERVICE day 1 is a differentiated PL experience designed to elevate and address the specific challenges of AL1 teachers while honoring their assets. Participants will define what gives their work significance, identify a pedagogical need and work with their companion teacher, using models of best practices, to set goals for growth specific to the identified need. CTs will model how to accurately describe the culture of a class, connections they make between class culture, data and curriculum when designing instruction, and use a recording of themselves teaching as a model for how to make reflection and feedback actionable. ALTs and CTs will use a portion of the in-service day to plan for an onsite PL day in which the ALT will spend the day in the CTs classroom.This session is for both accepted ALTs and their chosen CT.
Friday February 21, 2025 8:30am - 3:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M-9
  Beginning Teachers, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

9:00am EST

RHMS Q4 Planning Day Science 8
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 3:15pm EST
Quarterly Planning Day for teachers, co-teachers, PLC leads, and grade level administrators for Science 8 at Rogers Herr Middle School
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 3:15pm EST
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School conference room

9:00am EST

Rogers Herr Middle School Science 8 Q4 Planning Day
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 3:15pm EST
Planning Day for teachers, co-teachers, PLC lead, and grade level admin for Science 8
Friday February 21, 2025 9:00am - 3:15pm EST
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School conference room

1:00pm EST

Building an Effective and Efficient MTSS
Friday February 21, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EST
This training is designed to give school teams a jump start in ensuring their MTSS is effective and efficient.Teams will understand best practices in MTSS implementation and sustainability.They will also gain tools to refine their plan for effective MTSS implementation in their buildings.
Friday February 21, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EST
  MTSS, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Tuesday, February 25

9:00am EST

MTSS District Leadership Team Meeting
Tuesday February 25, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EST
Planning and support for DPS MTSS Implementation.
Tuesday February 25, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EST
Staff Development Center M9
  MTSS, Leadership

2:00pm EST

Lead High School Counselors February Meeting
Tuesday February 25, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EST
Professional development for Lead High School counselors will emphasize best practices for fostering academic excellence and ensuring a safe, healthy school environment. Participants will engage in targeted sessions and discussions aimed at supporting the whole child, focusing on strategies to enhance student achievement, promote well-being, and address the unique needs of high school students. This training will empower Lead High School Counselors with the leadership skills and resources needed to guide their teams effectively and make a positive impact on the overall student experience.
Tuesday February 25, 2025 2:00pm - 3:00pm EST
  Student Wellness and Advocacy, 9th-12th
  • ONLINE MEETING URL https://t.ly/4NX18
  • SESSION MATERIALS https://t.ly/Wd-eR
  • type meetup-join
  • deeplinkId 321ab8da-2212-49f7-ae65-9af145c0f555
  • directDl true
  • msLaunch true
  • enableMobilePage true
  • suppressPrompt true
Wednesday, February 26

3:00pm EST

EEST Meeting-PLC
Wednesday February 26, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Early Education Support Team (EEST) will review data to address student growth and ensuring that IEP timelines are met on a monthly basis.
Wednesday February 26, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Bacon Street 165

3:15pm EST

Bacon Street Staff PLC-2/26/2025
Wednesday February 26, 2025 3:15pm - 4:15pm EST
How to review and use data to improve educational outcomes for preschoolers.
Wednesday February 26, 2025 3:15pm - 4:15pm EST
Bacon Street Purple Room
Monday, March 3

2:45pm EST

Elementary ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 3/3/25
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others. This session is marked as in-person, but it will be virtual, and an invitation will be sent via email.

3:45pm EST

Middle School ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 3/3/25
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others. This session is marked as in-person, but it will be virtual, and an invitation will be sent via email.
Tuesday, March 4

8:30am EST

Science of Reading for Secondary Learning- Series
Tuesday March 4, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am EST
TEACHER TAPAS TUESDAY! Explore the science of reading and learning, focusing on evidence-based strategies to enhance comprehension, engagement, and retention for adolescent learners. These short virtual sessions will occur the second Tuesday of each month from September-May. There are several sessions repeated throughout each day, so you can hop on one during your planning period or before/after school: 8:30am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:45pm, 4:30pm
Tuesday March 4, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am EST

8:30am EST

LETRS Professional Development for building-level administrators(Assistant Principals)
Tuesday March 4, 2025 8:30am - 3:30pm EST
Professional development for building-level administrators in support of the implementation of the Science of Reading.
Tuesday March 4, 2025 8:30am - 3:30pm EST
Staff Development Center M-9
  ELA, K-2nd, 3rd-5th

4:30pm EST

BT Academy Roundtable (Spring 2025)
Tuesday March 4, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Beginning teachers are provided a space to have conversation about specific problems of practice, identify productive solutions and share knowledge tips and techniques that will improve teaching and learning. A problem and solution protocol will be used to facilitate the discussion.
Tuesday March 4, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Staff Development Center M-8
Wednesday, March 5

11:00am EST

Nurses PowerSchool Training
Wednesday March 5, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
This training is intended to provided/review/sign contracted nurses data sharing agreements and to provide an overview of PowerSchool.
Wednesday March 5, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EST
Hamlin Road Conference Room 110

3:00pm EST

EEST Meeting
Wednesday March 5, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Early Education Support Team (EEST) provides training and support to preschool staff members serving students in the community.
Wednesday March 5, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EST
Bacon Street 165

4:30pm EST

BT Literature Study - Book Club (March Session)
Wednesday March 5, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Books can have a profound impact on our lives, whether it's through fiction or educational texts. Book clubs and studies are valuable tools for professional development, allowing us to deepen our understanding and learn from each other's insights. Every semester, we offer a chance for you to participate in a fantastic book study with us.
Wednesday March 5, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EST
Thursday, March 6

2:45pm EST

K-5 Math: Eureka Math^2 Digital Assessment Platform
Thursday March 6, 2025 2:45pm - 4:15pm EST
In this session, participants will get an introduction to the digital assessment platform for Eureka Math^2.Topics will include finding and administering assessments, and viewing/analyzing assessment data.
Thursday March 6, 2025 2:45pm - 4:15pm EST
  Math, K-2nd, 3rd-5th
  • format csv
Monday, March 10

8:00am EDT

High School AP Series Session 7: Equitable Practices
Monday March 10, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am EDT
In this series of 7 sessions throughout the 2024-2025 school year, we aim to collaborate with APs as we work toward our department goal of "Building leadership capacity to support, coach, and provide feedback for differentiated, standards-aligned core instruction using Durham Public Schools curriculum resources."
Monday March 10, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am EDT
Staff Development Center M1

8:30am EDT

Hill Center MS Science of Reading part 3
Monday March 10, 2025 8:30am - 3:30pm EDT
Learn the basics of Science of Reading to integrate research-based literacy strategies
Monday March 10, 2025 8:30am - 3:30pm EDT
Hill Center

8:30am EDT

LETRS Professional Development for Administrators(Principal Session)
Monday March 10, 2025 8:30am - 3:30pm EDT
Professional development for building-level administrators in support of the implementation of the Science of Reading.
Monday March 10, 2025 8:30am - 3:30pm EDT
Staff Development Center M-9
  ELA, K-2nd, 3rd-5th

3:00pm EDT

EEST Meeting
Monday March 10, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Early Education Support Team (EEST) provides training and support to preschool staff members serving students in the community.
Monday March 10, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street 165
Tuesday, March 11

8:30am EDT

District SEL Coaches' Meeting
Tuesday March 11, 2025 8:30am - 10:30am EDT
SEL Coaches' Meeting
Tuesday March 11, 2025 8:30am - 10:30am EDT

8:30am EDT

Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA)
Tuesday March 11, 2025 8:30am - 11:30am EDT
Participants will understand the interconnectedness of strategic, cultural, instructional, and micropolitical leadership and its impact on continuous school improvement. Participants will also understand strategies for building their instructional leadership through the use a common instructional leadership language and coaching techniques that lead to successful school outcomes.
Tuesday March 11, 2025 8:30am - 11:30am EDT
Staff Development Center

9:00am EDT

New Counselor Training
Tuesday March 11, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EDT
Learn how to navigate PowerSchool to access student data including GPA, attendance, transcripts, course numbers and scheduling.
Tuesday March 11, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EDT
Old Northern- Rm V2

9:00am EDT

Tier 1 (Core) Behavior Practices
Tuesday March 11, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
This session is designed for school teams to learn proactive systems to encourage positive student behavior. Please send a team of at least 3 people from your school.This team should include an administrator and may also include MTSS-F, RPC, Counselor and other staff. Learners will:Make connections between universal behavior practices and your school’s MTSS frameworkUnderstand best practices with regard to universal behavior management practicesExamine your school’s current universal behavior management practices and plan for any improvement
Tuesday March 11, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Bacon Street 54

1:00pm EDT

PowerSchool Training for New Social Workers
Tuesday March 11, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Participants will learn how to navigate PowerSchool to obtain student data.
Tuesday March 11, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Old Northern- Rm V2

1:00pm EDT

Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA)
Tuesday March 11, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Participants will understand the interconnectedness of strategic, cultural, instructional, and micropolitical leadership and its impact on continuous school improvement. Participants will also understand strategies for building their instructional leadership through the use a common instructional leadership language and coaching techniques that lead to successful school outcomes.
Tuesday March 11, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Staff Development Center

1:00pm EDT

Tier 1 (Core) Behavior Practices
Tuesday March 11, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
This session is designed for school teams to learn proactive systems to encourage positive student behavior. Please send a team of at least 3 people from your school.This team should include an administrator and may also include MTSS-F, RPC, Counselor and other staff. Learners will:Make connections between universal behavior practices and your school’s MTSS frameworkUnderstand best practices with regard to universal behavior management practicesExamine your school’s current universal behavior management practices and plan for any improvement
Tuesday March 11, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street 54
Wednesday, March 12

6:50am EDT

RHMS March 2025 Faculty Meeting
Wednesday March 12, 2025 6:50am - 7:45am EDT
Monthly faculty meeting and PD for faculty at RHMS
Wednesday March 12, 2025 6:50am - 7:45am EDT
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School Media Center

3:00pm EDT

Conducting Functional Behavior Assessments & Developing Behavior Intervention Plans
Wednesday March 12, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Participants will learn the steps to conducting a comprehensive functional behavior assessment, how to analyze data to develop a hypothesis regarding the function of the students’ behavior, how to write an effective behavior intervention plan and how to monitor that plan.
Wednesday March 12, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Bacon Street 54
Thursday, March 13

8:15am EDT

For ESL Teachers ONLY: Glimpses of GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design). (3 of 4). Attendance required all 4 days
Thursday March 13, 2025 8:15am - 3:30pm EDT
Project GLAD is a model of Professional Development and Learning originated in California, through the collaboration of students, educators, and researchers from the GLAD and came to NC.GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) is an instructional model that supports English learners by strengthening educational programs and practices. It is grounded in sheltered instruction and other language acquisition research. Key features of GLAD include:Integrated English-language development (ELD) and designated ELD1.Scaffolding, cooperative, student-centered experiences2.Culturally responsive teaching.NCDPI is sponsoring this workshop for Durham Public Schools. The presenters are Laura VanCamp and Crystal Jastzabski, presenters from the EL Support Team.
Thursday March 13, 2025 8:15am - 3:30pm EDT
Old Northern High School, 117 Tom Wilkinson Rd, Durham, NC 27712

8:30am EDT

CTE Support Services Meeting - March
Thursday March 13, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EDT
Participants will explore strategies/practices to support ongoing teacher, school, and CTE program growth and efficacy.
Thursday March 13, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EDT
117 Tom Wilkinson R. Durham, NC 27712

2:30pm EDT

Elementary ECF Monthly PLC-March
Thursday March 13, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
During these monthly sessions, EC Facilitators will strengthen their knowledge as it relates to compliance and instruction. Facilitator's will develop the leadership skills needed to coach school teams and provide legal guidance as it relates to Exceptional Children's policies and procedures.
Thursday March 13, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street TBA
Friday, March 14

8:00am EDT

Restorative Practices Coordinator PLC
Friday March 14, 2025 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Gather school-based RPC's in order to learn from each other and extend best practices in using Restorative Practices.
Friday March 14, 2025 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Bacon Street 54

8:15am EDT

For ESL Teachers ONLY: Glimpses of GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design). (4 of 4). Attendance required all 4 days
Friday March 14, 2025 8:15am - 3:30pm EDT
Project GLAD is a model of Professional Development and Learning originated in California, through the collaboration of students, educators, and researchers from the GLAD and came to NC.GLAD (Guided Language Acquisition Design) is an instructional model that supports English learners by strengthening educational programs and practices. It is grounded in sheltered instruction and other language acquisition research. Key features of GLAD include:Integrated English-language development (ELD) and designated ELD1.Scaffolding, cooperative, student-centered experiences2.Culturally responsive teaching.NCDPI is sponsoring this workshop for Durham Public Schools. The presenters are Laura VanCamp and Crystal Jastzabski, presenters from the EL Support Team.
Friday March 14, 2025 8:15am - 3:30pm EDT
Old Northern High School, 117 Tom Wilkinson Rd, Durham, NC 27712

1:00pm EDT

Building an Effective and Efficient MTSS
Friday March 14, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
This training is designed to give school teams a jump start in ensuring their MTSS is effective and efficient.Teams will understand best practices in MTSS implementation and sustainability.They will also gain tools to refine their plan for effective MTSS implementation in their buildings.
Friday March 14, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
  MTSS, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Monday, March 17

8:00am EDT

Elementary ESL Teacher PLC- 3/17/25
Monday March 17, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am EDT
Elementary ESL teachers will receive procedural updates and work as a PLC to engage in relevant professional learning and build instructional and resource supports.
Monday March 17, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am EDT
Staff Development Center M8 and M9
  English Learner Services, K-2nd, 3rd-5th
Tuesday, March 18

8:30am EDT

DPS School Counselors March Meeting
Tuesday March 18, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EDT
The professional development will focus on best practices to foster academic excellence and create a safe, healthy school environment. Through a series of presentations and collaborative sessions, counselors will learn strategies to support the whole child, emphasizing both academic achievement and the social-emotional well-being of students. The professional development will equip school counselors with the tools needed to effectively address the diverse needs of students and enhance their overall school experience.
Tuesday March 18, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EDT
Staff Development Center
Wednesday, March 19

8:00am EDT

District Behavior Support PLC: Trauma Informed Leadership Training
Wednesday March 19, 2025 8:00am - 12:00pm EDT
This PLC will serve a work session for the District BSAs as we plan and discuss our mission and scope of work as it relates to DPS Strategic Plan Goal 2B.
Wednesday March 19, 2025 8:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Bacon Street 162

9:00am EDT

Back-up Data Manager training
Wednesday March 19, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EDT
This session is intended to train back-up data managers on the basics task in the event of a vacant position and/or absent Data Manager.
Wednesday March 19, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EDT
Hamlin Road Rm 110
Thursday, March 20

12:00pm EDT

LETRS for Coaches: Unit 8
Thursday March 20, 2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
DPS Coaches will engage in collaboratively unpacking Unit 8 of LETRS in order to build their capacity to facilitate purposeful professional learning for their PLCs centered around the content of Unit 8.
Thursday March 20, 2025 12:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Staff Development Center

3:00pm EDT

The Science of Behavior - Part 2
Thursday March 20, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Participants will learn how to prevent problem behavior and teach new behaviors using positive reinforcement.Participants will also learn how to decrease problem behaviors with research-based interventions.
Thursday March 20, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Staff Development Center M8
Tuesday, March 25

9:00am EDT

MTSS District Leadership Team
Tuesday March 25, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Planning and support for DPS MTSS Implementation.
Tuesday March 25, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Staff Development Center M9
  MTSS, Leadership

9:30am EDT

District MTSS Facilitators and AP Monthly Meeting - March
Tuesday March 25, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am EDT
MTSS Facilitators and APs will have the chance to engage in professional development designed to enhance the implementation of MTSS at their schools. They will also receive updates to ensure consistency and collaboration across the district.
Tuesday March 25, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am EDT
Staff Development Center M1
  MTSS, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

1:00pm EDT

District MTSS Facilitators and AP Monthly Meeting - March
Tuesday March 25, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
MTSS Facilitators and APs will have the chance to engage in professional development designed to enhance the implementation of MTSS at their schools. They will also receive updates to ensure consistency and collaboration across the district.
Tuesday March 25, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Staff Development Center M1
  MTSS, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

2:00pm EDT

Lead High School Counselors March Meeting
Tuesday March 25, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Professional development for Lead High School counselors will emphasize best practices for fostering academic excellence and ensuring a safe, healthy school environment. Participants will engage in targeted sessions and discussions aimed at supporting the whole child, focusing on strategies to enhance student achievement, promote well-being, and address the unique needs of high school students. This training will empower Lead High School Counselors with the leadership skills and resources needed to guide their teams effectively and make a positive impact on the overall student experience.
Tuesday March 25, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
  Student Wellness and Advocacy, 9th-12th
  • ONLINE MEETING URL https://t.ly/cG7SF
  • SESSION MATERIALS https://t.ly/caT4G
  • type meetup-join
  • deeplinkId 321ab8da-2212-49f7-ae65-9af145c0f555
  • directDl true
  • msLaunch true
  • enableMobilePage true
  • suppressPrompt true
Wednesday, March 26

3:00pm EDT

Bacon Street Staff PLC-3/26/2025
Wednesday March 26, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm EDT
How to review and use data to improve educational outcomes for preschoolers.
Wednesday March 26, 2025 3:00pm - 4:15pm EDT
Bacon Street Purple Room
Friday, March 28

7:30am EDT

PrEPP 2025: Uncovering Foundations; Elevating Needs; & Building Agency: ONSITE DAY 2- This restricted session is for accepted ALTs and CTs ONLY who have completed DAY 1 on 2/21/25.
Friday March 28, 2025 7:30am - 4:30pm EDT
ALTs and CTs will engage in an onsite PL, applying plan goals and activities, created during the in-service day. Additionally, ALTs and CTs will allocate time for reflection and making feedback actionable in the classroom. Each pair (ALT & CT) will participate in DAY 2 of this two part PL series at their individual schools and submit all documents to Dr. Jen Petty.
Friday March 28, 2025 7:30am - 4:30pm EDT
TBD Onsite-ALT/CT School Site
  Beginning Teachers, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Monday, March 31

8:15am EDT

High School ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 3/3/25
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others. This session is marked as in-person, but it will be virtual, and an invitation will be sent via email.
Wednesday, April 2

3:00pm EDT

EEST Meeting
Wednesday April 2, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Early Education Support Team (EEST) provides training and support to preschool staff members serving students in the community.
Wednesday April 2, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street 165
Monday, April 7

8:15am EDT

High School ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 4/7/25
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others.

2:45pm EDT

Elementary ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 4/7/25
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others. This session is marked as in-person, but it will be virtual, and an invitation will be sent via email.

3:45pm EDT

Middle School ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 4/7/25
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others. This session is marked as in-person, but it will be virtual, and an invitation will be sent via email.

4:30pm EDT

Tuesday, April 8

8:30am EDT

Science of Reading for Secondary Learning- Series
Tuesday April 8, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am EDT
TEACHER TAPAS TUESDAY! Explore the science of reading and learning, focusing on evidence-based strategies to enhance comprehension, engagement, and retention for adolescent learners. These short virtual sessions will occur the second Tuesday of each month from September-May. There are several sessions repeated throughout each day, so you can hop on one during your planning period or before/after school: 8:30am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:45pm, 4:30pm
Tuesday April 8, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am EDT

8:30am EDT

Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA)
Tuesday April 8, 2025 8:30am - 11:30am EDT
Participants will understand the interconnectedness of strategic, cultural, instructional, and micropolitical leadership and its impact on continuous school improvement. Participants will also understand strategies for building their instructional leadership through the use a common instructional leadership language and coaching techniques that lead to successful school outcomes.
Tuesday April 8, 2025 8:30am - 11:30am EDT
Staff Development Center

9:00am EDT

New Counselor Training
Tuesday April 8, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EDT
Learn how to navigate PowerSchool to access student data including GPA, attendance, transcripts, course numbers and scheduling.
Tuesday April 8, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EDT
Old Northern- Rm V2

1:00pm EDT

PowerSchool Training for New Social Workers
Tuesday April 8, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Participants will learn how to navigate PowerSchool to obtain student data.
Tuesday April 8, 2025 1:00pm - 2:00pm EDT
Old Northern- Rm V2

1:00pm EDT

Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA)
Tuesday April 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Participants will understand the interconnectedness of strategic, cultural, instructional, and micropolitical leadership and its impact on continuous school improvement. Participants will also understand strategies for building their instructional leadership through the use a common instructional leadership language and coaching techniques that lead to successful school outcomes.
Tuesday April 8, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Staff Development Center

4:30pm EDT

BT Academy: Culturally Responsive Teaching 2.0 (Spring 2025)
Tuesday April 8, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
This session is an extension of CRP series 1 & 2 which are prerequisites for this course. In this session we will collaborate on various classroom situations and understand the difference between CRP and traditional teaching methods.
Tuesday April 8, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
  Beginning Teachers, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Wednesday, April 9

4:30pm EDT

BT Literature Study - Book Club (April Session)
Wednesday April 9, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
Books can have a profound impact on our lives, whether it's through fiction or educational texts. Book clubs and studies are valuable tools for professional development, allowing us to deepen our understanding and learn from each other's insights. Every semester, we offer a chance for you to participate in a fantastic book study with us.
Wednesday April 9, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
Thursday, April 10

8:30am EDT

CTE Support Services Meeting - April
Thursday April 10, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EDT
Participants will explore strategies/practices to support ongoing teacher, school, and CTE program growth and efficacy.
Thursday April 10, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EDT
117 Tom Wilkinson R. Durham, NC 27712

2:30pm EDT

2024-2025 Elementary ECF Monthly PLC-April
Thursday April 10, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
During these monthly sessions, EC Facilitators will strengthen their knowledge as it relates to compliance and instruction. Facilitator's will develop the leadership skills needed to coach school teams and provide legal guidance as it relates to Exceptional Children's policies and procedures.
Thursday April 10, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street TBA

3:00pm EDT

Booster Session: Conducting FBAs & Developing BIPs
Thursday April 10, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Participants will review procedures for conducting Functional Behavior Assessments and learn research-based interventions to implement as part of students’ Behavior Intervention Plans.This training is recommended for staff who have already taken the FBA & BIP training.
Thursday April 10, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Staff Development Center M8
Friday, April 11

9:00am EDT

Benchmark Refresher Training - EOY- Yearlong COURSES - Year Round & Traditional - OPTION 1
Friday April 11, 2025 9:00am - 11:00am EDT
Assist Benchmark Test Coordinators with processes for administering End-of-Year assessments for schools with yearlong COURSES.
Friday April 11, 2025 9:00am - 11:00am EDT
Hamlin Road 110

1:00pm EDT

Benchmark Refresher Training - EOY- Yearlong COURSES - Year Round & Traditional - OPTION 2
Friday April 11, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Assist Benchmark Test Coordinators with processes for administering End-of-Year assessments for schools with yearlong COURSES.
Friday April 11, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Hamlin Road 110

1:00pm EDT

Building an Effective and Efficient MTSS
Friday April 11, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
This training is designed to give school teams a jump start in ensuring their MTSS is effective and efficient.Teams will understand best practices in MTSS implementation and sustainability.They will also gain tools to refine their plan for effective MTSS implementation in their buildings.
Friday April 11, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
  MTSS, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Monday, April 14

9:00am EDT

Benchmark Refresher Training - EOY- Yearlong COURSES - Year Round & Traditional - OPTION 3
Monday April 14, 2025 9:00am - 11:00am EDT
Assist Benchmark Test Coordinators with processes for administering End-of-Year assessments for schools with yearlong COURSES.
Monday April 14, 2025 9:00am - 11:00am EDT
Hamlin Road 110

1:00pm EDT

Benchmark Refresher Training - EOY- Yearlong COURSES - Traditional - OPTION 4
Monday April 14, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Assist Benchmark Test Coordinators with processes for administering End-of-Year assessments for schools with yearlong COURSES.
Monday April 14, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
Hamlin Road 110
Tuesday, April 15

9:30am EDT

District MTSS Facilitators and AP Monthly Meeting - April
Tuesday April 15, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am EDT
MTSS Facilitators and APs will have the chance to engage in professional development designed to enhance the implementation of MTSS at their schools. They will also receive updates to ensure consistency and collaboration across the district.
Tuesday April 15, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am EDT
Staff Development Center M1

1:30pm EDT

District MTSS Facilitators and AP Monthly Meeting - April
Tuesday April 15, 2025 1:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
MTSS Facilitators and APs will have the chance to engage in professional development designed to enhance the implementation of MTSS at their schools. They will also receive updates to ensure consistency and collaboration across the district.
Tuesday April 15, 2025 1:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
Staff Development Center M1
Wednesday, April 16

7:00am EDT

RHMS April 2025 Differentiation Committee
Wednesday April 16, 2025 7:00am - 8:00am EDT
Rogers Herr Middle Differentiation Committee Meetings for 2024-2025 to plan differentiated professional development to meet the needs of teachers and students across all subgroups
Wednesday April 16, 2025 7:00am - 8:00am EDT
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School

8:30am EDT

District Behavior Support PLC: Trauma Informed Leadership Training
Wednesday April 16, 2025 8:30am - 12:30pm EDT
This PLC will serve a work session for the District BSAs as we plan and discuss our mission and scope of work as it relates to DPS Strategic Plan Goal 2B.
Wednesday April 16, 2025 8:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Bacon Street 162

9:00am EDT

Back-up Data Manager training
Wednesday April 16, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EDT
This session is intended to train back-up data managers on the basics task in the event of a vacant position and/or absent Data Manager.
Wednesday April 16, 2025 9:00am - 11:30am EDT
Hamlin Road Rm 110

11:00am EDT

Traumatic Brain Injury Team Meeting
Wednesday April 16, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
The Traumatic Brain Injury Team Meetings is for TBI Approved Providers and participants in TBI Supervision sessions. The meetings provide professional development for team members.
Wednesday April 16, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
  Exceptional Children, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
  • ONLINE MEETING URL Microsoft Teams-Meeting ID: 211 234 654 698/Passcode: VYiGbQ

3:00pm EDT

EEST Meeting
Wednesday April 16, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Early Education Support Team (EEST) provides training and support to preschool staff members serving students in the community.
Wednesday April 16, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street 165
Thursday, April 17

4:30pm EDT

BT Academy: Supporting English Language Learners (Spring; Part 2)
Thursday April 17, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
English language learners (ELLs) are a growing percentage of our student population. This two-part academy series invites teachers to examine who their ELLs are, and explore research-based strategies to make content accessible to them. Designed for beginning teachers, this series will provide participants from all grade level bands and content areas with practical tools they can use in their classrooms the very next day.
Thursday April 17, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
Tuesday, April 22

9:00am EDT

MTSS District Leadership Team Meeting
Tuesday April 22, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Planning and support for DPS MTSS Implementation.
Tuesday April 22, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Staff Development Center M9
  MTSS, Leadership

9:00am EDT

Spring Testing: End-of-Course (EOC) Training - High Schools with grades 9-12 only
Tuesday April 22, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
TC's will receive the resources and training to be able to successfully plan for and administer the spring EOC's for semester 2.
Tuesday April 22, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Staff Development Center M8

1:00pm EDT

Spring Testing: Accountability Training: High School w/ 9-12 only
Tuesday April 22, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Ensure Data Managers, Counselors and Test Coordinators understand the policies regarding dropping students from EOC courses and the implications of doing so after the 10th day for semester courses or 20th day for year long courses. Provide course codes for EOC courses and reminders for online and Credit Recovery EOC courses.
Tuesday April 22, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Staff Development Center M8

2:30pm EDT

Spring Testing: NCEXTEND1 Training: SELECT High School w/ 9-12 only
Tuesday April 22, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
Test coordinators will receive resources and training to be able to successfully plan for and complete the NCEXTEND 1 assessment.
Tuesday April 22, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
Staff Development Center M8
Wednesday, April 23

6:50am EDT

RHMS April 2025 Faculty Meeting
Wednesday April 23, 2025 6:50am - 7:45am EDT
Monthly faculty meeting and PD for faculty at RHMS
Wednesday April 23, 2025 6:50am - 7:45am EDT
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School Media Center

8:30am EDT

DPS School Counselors April Meeting
Wednesday April 23, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EDT
The professional development will focus on best practices to foster academic excellence and create a safe, healthy school environment. Through a series of presentations and collaborative sessions, counselors will learn strategies to support the whole child, emphasizing both academic achievement and the social-emotional well-being of students. The professional development will equip school counselors with the tools needed to effectively address the diverse needs of students and enhance their overall school experience.
Wednesday April 23, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EDT
Staff Development Center

9:00am EDT

Spring Testing: EOG Training: Elem; K-12; Middle & 6-12
Wednesday April 23, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
TC's will receive the resources and training to be able to successfully plan for and administer the spring EOG's.
Wednesday April 23, 2025 9:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Staff Development Center M1

11:00am EDT

Nurses PowerSchool Training
Wednesday April 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
This training is intended to provided/review/sign contracted nurses data sharing agreements and to provide an overview of PowerSchool.
Wednesday April 23, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
Hamlin Road Conference Room 110

1:00pm EDT

Spring Testing: EOC or RtA Training: Elem; K-12; Middle & 6-12
Wednesday April 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
TC's will receive the resources and training to be able to successfully plan for and administer the EOC's (Middle School) or RtA (Elementary Schools).
Wednesday April 23, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EDT
Staff Development Center M1

2:30pm EDT

Spring Testing: NCEXTEND1 Training: SELECT Elem; K-12; Middle & 6-12
Wednesday April 23, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
Test coordinators will receive resources and training to be able to successfully plan for and administer the NCEXTEND 1 assessment.
Wednesday April 23, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
Staff Development Center M1
Thursday, April 24

2:30pm EDT

Restorative Practices District Leadership Team
Thursday April 24, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
Expand and sustain implementation of RP across DPS
Thursday April 24, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street 54

3:00pm EDT

Supporting Students with Autism
Thursday April 24, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Participants will learn the characteristics of students with autism and their impact on student behavior in the classroom.Strategies/interventions for working with students with autism will be taught.
Thursday April 24, 2025 3:00pm - 4:30pm EDT
Bacon Street 54
Tuesday, April 29

2:00pm EDT

Lead High School Counselors April Meeting
Tuesday April 29, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Professional development for Lead High School counselors will emphasize best practices for fostering academic excellence and ensuring a safe, healthy school environment. Participants will engage in targeted sessions and discussions aimed at supporting the whole child, focusing on strategies to enhance student achievement, promote well-being, and address the unique needs of high school students. This training will empower Lead High School Counselors with the leadership skills and resources needed to guide their teams effectively and make a positive impact on the overall student experience.
Tuesday April 29, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
  Student Wellness and Advocacy, 9th-12th
  • ONLINE MEETING URL https://t.ly/-nO4x
  • SESSION MATERIALS https://t.ly/-rUWH
  • type meetup-join
  • deeplinkId 321ab8da-2212-49f7-ae65-9af145c0f555
  • directDl true
  • msLaunch true
  • enableMobilePage true
  • suppressPrompt true

4:30pm EDT

AL Academy: April; Session 6
Tuesday April 29, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
Teachers with an Alternative License (Permit to Teach, Emergency License, Residency License, or CTE) are required to receive additional hours of professional learning and licensure support. These sessions will help teachers navigate the licensure process and meet their requirements successfully.
Tuesday April 29, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
Monday, May 5

8:15am EDT

High School ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 5/5/25
Monday May 5, 2025 8:15am - 9:00am EDT
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others. This session is marked as in-person, but it will be virtual, and an invitation will be sent via email.
Monday May 5, 2025 8:15am - 9:00am EDT
Invitation for teams meeting will be sent via email.

2:45pm EDT

Elementary ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 5/5/25
Monday May 5, 2025 2:45pm - 3:30pm EDT
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others. This session is marked as in-person, but it will be virtual, and an invitation will be sent via email.
Monday May 5, 2025 2:45pm - 3:30pm EDT

3:45pm EDT

Middle School ESL Teacher Virtual Check-In 5/5/25
Monday May 5, 2025 3:45pm - 4:30pm EDT
ESL teachers will receive reminders and updates about compliance and procedures pertaining to ESL services. This session is mandatory for new ESL teachers and optional for others. This session is marked as in-person, but it will be virtual, and an invitation will be sent via email.
Monday May 5, 2025 3:45pm - 4:30pm EDT
Tuesday, May 6

9:30am EDT

District MTSS Facilitators and AP Monthly Meeting - May
Tuesday May 6, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am EDT
MTSS Facilitators and APs will have the chance to engage in professional development designed to enhance the implementation of MTSS at their schools. They will also receive updates to ensure consistency and collaboration across the district.
Tuesday May 6, 2025 9:30am - 11:30am EDT
Staff Development Center M1
  MTSS, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

1:30pm EDT

District MTSS Facilitators and AP Monthly Meeting - May
Tuesday May 6, 2025 1:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
MTSS Facilitators and APs will have the chance to engage in professional development designed to enhance the implementation of MTSS at their schools. They will also receive updates to ensure consistency and collaboration across the district.
Tuesday May 6, 2025 1:30pm - 3:30pm EDT
Staff Development Center M1
  MTSS, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th

4:30pm EDT

Beginner to Board BT Academy- Session 4 (2024-2025)
Tuesday May 6, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
This academy is for all BTs who are interested in learning more about the National Board process. BTs can come just to learn what is involved and there is no required commitment to start the process. These sessions are appropriate for BTs in any year!
Tuesday May 6, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
Wednesday, May 7

7:00am EDT

RHMS May 2025 Differentiation Committee
Wednesday May 7, 2025 7:00am - 8:00am EDT
Rogers Herr Middle Differentiation Committee Meetings for 2024-2025 to plan differentiated professional development to meet the needs of teachers and students across all subgroups
Wednesday May 7, 2025 7:00am - 8:00am EDT
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School

3:00pm EDT

EEST Meeting
Wednesday May 7, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Early Education Support Team (EEST) provides training and support to preschool staff members serving students in the community.
Wednesday May 7, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street 165
Thursday, May 8

8:30am EDT

CTE Support Services Meeting - March
Thursday May 8, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EDT
Participants will explore strategies/practices to support ongoing teacher, school, and CTE program growth and efficacy.
Thursday May 8, 2025 8:30am - 4:00pm EDT
117 Tom Wilkinson R. Durham, NC 27712

2:30pm EDT

2024-2025 Elementary ECF Monthly PLC-May
Thursday May 8, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
During these monthly sessions, EC Facilitators will strengthen their knowledge as it relates to compliance and instruction. Facilitator's will develop the leadership skills needed to coach school teams and provide legal guidance as it relates to Exceptional Children's policies and procedures.
Thursday May 8, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street TBA
Friday, May 9

8:00am EDT

Elementary ESL Teacher PLC- 5/9/25
Friday May 9, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am EDT
Elementary ESL teachers will receive procedural updates and work as a PLC to engage in relevant professional learning and build instructional and resource supports.
Friday May 9, 2025 8:00am - 10:00am EDT
Staff Development Center M8 and M9

2:30pm EDT

Secondary ESL Teacher PLCs - 5/9/25
Friday May 9, 2025 2:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
Secondary ESL teachers will receive procedural updates and work as a PLC to engage in relevant professional learning and build instructional and resource supports.
Friday May 9, 2025 2:30pm - 4:30pm EDT
Tuesday, May 13

8:30am EDT

Science of Reading for Secondary Learning- Series
Tuesday May 13, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am EDT
TEACHER TAPAS TUESDAY! Explore the science of reading and learning, focusing on evidence-based strategies to enhance comprehension, engagement, and retention for adolescent learners. These short virtual sessions will occur the second Tuesday of each month from September-May. There are several sessions repeated throughout each day, so you can hop on one during your planning period or before/after school: 8:30am, 9:30am, 11:00am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:45pm, 4:30pm
Tuesday May 13, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am EDT
Wednesday, May 14

11:00am EDT

Traumatic Brain Injury Team Meeting
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
The Traumatic Brain Injury Team Meetings is for TBI Approved Providers and participants in TBI Supervision sessions. The meetings provide professional development for team members.
Wednesday May 14, 2025 11:00am - 12:00pm EDT
  Exceptional Children, Pre-K, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
  • ONLINE MEETING URL Microsoft Teams-Meeting ID: 216 040 182 441/Passcode: Gmo22L
  • ATTENDANCE AND EVAL FORM https://t.ly/bXmdA
Thursday, May 15

8:30am EDT

District SEL Coaches' Meeting
Thursday May 15, 2025 8:30am - 10:30am EDT
SEL Coaches' Meeting
Thursday May 15, 2025 8:30am - 10:30am EDT
Old Northern High School room V1
Friday, May 16

8:00am EDT

Restorative Practices Coordinator PLC
Friday May 16, 2025 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Gather school-based RPC's in order to learn from each other and extend best practices in using Restorative Practices.
Friday May 16, 2025 8:00am - 9:30am EDT
Bacon Street 54

1:00pm EDT

Building an Effective and Efficient MTSS
Friday May 16, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
This training is designed to give school teams a jump start in ensuring their MTSS is effective and efficient.Teams will understand best practices in MTSS implementation and sustainability.They will also gain tools to refine their plan for effective MTSS implementation in their buildings.
Friday May 16, 2025 1:00pm - 3:00pm EDT
  MTSS, K-2nd, 3rd-5th, 6th-8th, 9th-12th
Wednesday, May 21

6:50am EDT

RHMS May 2025 Faculty Meeting
Wednesday May 21, 2025 6:50am - 7:45am EDT
Monthly faculty meeting and PD for faculty at RHMS
Wednesday May 21, 2025 6:50am - 7:45am EDT
Rogers-Herr Year-Round Magnet Middle School Media Center

8:30am EDT

District Behavior Support PLC: Trauma Informed Leadership Training
Wednesday May 21, 2025 8:30am - 12:30pm EDT
This PLC will serve a work session for the District BSAs as we plan and discuss our mission and scope of work as it relates to DPS Strategic Plan Goal 2B.
Wednesday May 21, 2025 8:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Bacon Street 162

2:40pm EDT

George Watts Montessori Staff- End of Grade Testing Training
Wednesday May 21, 2025 2:40pm - 3:40pm EDT
End of Grade Testing Training for test administrators and proctors
Wednesday May 21, 2025 2:40pm - 3:40pm EDT
George Watts Montessori Magnet School Media Center

3:00pm EDT

EEST Meeting
Wednesday May 21, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Early Education Support Team (EEST) provides training and support to preschool staff members serving students in the community.
Wednesday May 21, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street 165
Tuesday, May 27

9:00am EDT

MTSS District Leadership Team
Tuesday May 27, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Planning and support for DPS MTSS Implementation.
Tuesday May 27, 2025 9:00am - 10:30am EDT
Staff Development Center M9
  MTSS, Leadership

2:00pm EDT

Lead High School Counselors May Meeting
Tuesday May 27, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
Professional development for Lead High School counselors will emphasize best practices for fostering academic excellence and ensuring a safe, healthy school environment. Participants will engage in targeted sessions and discussions aimed at supporting the whole child, focusing on strategies to enhance student achievement, promote well-being, and address the unique needs of high school students. This training will empower Lead High School Counselors with the leadership skills and resources needed to guide their teams effectively and make a positive impact on the overall student experience.
Tuesday May 27, 2025 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
  Student Wellness and Advocacy, 9th-12th
  • ONLINE MEETING URL https://t.ly/mnYQ5
  • SESSION MATERIALS https://t.ly/Yfi-4
  • type meetup-join
  • deeplinkId 321ab8da-2212-49f7-ae65-9af145c0f555
  • directDl true
  • msLaunch true
  • enableMobilePage true
  • suppressPrompt true
Wednesday, May 28

3:00pm EDT

Bacon Street Staff PLC-5/28/2025
Wednesday May 28, 2025 3:00pm - 4:14pm EDT
How to review and use data to improve educational outcomes for preschoolers.
Wednesday May 28, 2025 3:00pm - 4:14pm EDT
Bacon Street Purple Room
Friday, May 30

4:30pm EDT

AL Academy: May; Session 7
Friday May 30, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
Teachers with an Alternative License (Permit to Teach, Emergency License, Residency License, or CTE) are required to receive additional hours of professional learning and licensure support. These sessions will help teachers navigate the licensure process and meet their requirements successfully.
Friday May 30, 2025 4:30pm - 5:45pm EDT
Wednesday, June 4

2:40pm EDT

3:00pm EDT

EEST Meeting
Wednesday June 4, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Early Education Support Team (EEST) provides training and support to preschool staff members serving students in the community.
Wednesday June 4, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street 165
Thursday, June 12

2:30pm EDT

2024-2025 Elementary ECF Monthly PLC-June
Thursday June 12, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
During these monthly sessions, EC Facilitators will strengthen their knowledge as it relates to compliance and instruction. Facilitator's will develop the leadership skills needed to coach school teams and provide legal guidance as it relates to Exceptional Children's policies and procedures.
Thursday June 12, 2025 2:30pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street TBA
Wednesday, July 9

1:00pm EDT

Restorative Practices District Leadership Team Meeting
Wednesday July 9, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Expand and sustain RP in DPS
Wednesday July 9, 2025 1:00pm - 4:00pm EDT
Bacon Street 54
Thursday, July 17

9:30am EDT

ECF July Monthly Meeting
Thursday July 17, 2025 9:30am - 12:30pm EDT
During these monthly sessions, EC Facilitators will strengthen their knowledge as it relates to compliance and instruction. Facilitator's will develop the leadership skills needed to coach school teams and provide legal guidance as it relates to Exceptional Children's policies and procedures.
Thursday July 17, 2025 9:30am - 12:30pm EDT
Bacon Street TBA
Thursday, July 24

8:00am EDT

2024 NCASBO Summer Conference
Thursday July 24, 2025 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT
Attend five (5) content-focused sessions presented by topic experts. - SESSION 1: Salary to Hourly Classified: The Process, Wins & Losses :: SESSION 2: Contracted Subs: What You Need to Know :: SESSION 3: Lunch & Learn with Elleka Yost:: SESSION 4: How to Prepare Financial Audit :: SESSION 5: ESSER Audits
Thursday July 24, 2025 8:00am - 5:00pm EDT
Sheraton Imperial Hotel, 4700 Emperor Blvd, Durham NC 27703

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  • Assessments-Data-Accountability
  • Beginning Teachers
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  • National Board Certification
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  • PowerSchool
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  • Student Wellness and Advocacy
  • Year End Close Out